Equine Assisted Coaching

Explanation Videos


Why Horses in Coaching and What to Expect of a Session

Are you interested to hear more about Equine Assisted Coaching and what to expect during a Horse as Mirror session?

I have recorded two videos for you on these particular topics.

The videos are called:

– Why Horses in Coaching and

– What to Expect of a Session

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do these horses follow a special training for this type of work?

The horses we work with are domesticated animals accustomed to humans in several settings.

They are not especially trained for coaching as that would actually go against the concept of a clear and genuine mirror.

They do have a number of important characteristics such as:

  • reacting to humans in a stable and trustworthy way
  • ability to take on the responsibility  
  • feeling good in their co-coaching role 
  • good mental and physical health 
  • in their everyday life, their natural needs are being met in the best possible way. 
Will I ride during the session?

The purpose of the sessions is to explore the interaction with the horse and the behaviour it provokes. It is therefore necessary to give the horse enough space to take distance, come into contact, connect and explore boundaries. 

This is why no riding is involved and the work is done entirely on the ground. 

This approach is closest to the horse’s nature and allows it to be a clear mirror. 

I have no knowledge of or experience with horses. Will I still get something out of a session?

Absolutely. You as the client are central in this approach and the horse is an instrument leading to awareness and insight. It is not about learning how to manage a horse. 

During the session, I will give you some information about horses and their natural behaviour. However, this is not an attempt to make you a horse expert, it is a way of facilitating the interaction with the animal and managing the conversation through my observations.  

I am afraid of horses, is this still useful for me?

In every group there is someone who is afraid of horses. This is understandable: they are much bigger, stronger and faster than us. 

Coaching is about exploring boundaries and my number one rule is to never do what doesn’t feel right for you. This said, if you are attracted to the idea and would like to give it a try, there are several options we can explore. For example, not getting too close to the horse. Even at a distance, there is a lot we can learn from the interaction. 

In any case, the safety of all parties involved – coach, clients and horses – is paramount and we will always work according to the highest safety standards. 

Why horses instead of other animals?

It is definitely possible to work with other animals. Some coaches, for example, work with dogs or cows.

We have chosen horses because this is where our heart and expertise are, and because of a number of characteristics they have.

Horses are suitable as mirrors thanks to the following characteristics:

  • they are in the here and now
  • their feedback is free from judgment
  • their feedback is open and honest
  • they are direct and to the point, touching the essence
  • by nature, they have a need for clarity
  • their antennas are very developed to spot our intentions, beliefs, thoughts and emotions
  • by nature, they feel the need to form groups (herds)
  • their instinct and nature to seek safety
  • gentleness
  • vulnerability

Advantages of working with animals in general are: 

  • they don’t feel social pressure to conform with others
  • they don’t work according to socially acceptable standards (people-pleasing)
  • they are unable to behave incoherently. 

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